Friday, November 15, 2013

The simple and complicated truths of ethnopluralism

Speaking the truth seems simple, but it can be complicated. Conquered or subjected people tend to lie more, or they are more round about, even humorous, often to save their lives, which can even become an identifying ethnic trait. Then there are those who have such horrible truths in their lives they cannot think about the truth, or they avoid it with various addictions. And there are those who rise to power through lying, either knowing or not knowing the truth, their strong wills-to-power overwhelm the truth. But there also seems to be a balancing here when the stark truth is not always what you want to hear, say, in the evening after a glass of wine when music or humor feels better.

Generally speaking though I think speaking the truth, assuming you have the truth, is a better way to live in the world, even if you have uncomfortable truths in your life. The truth is something like love with the strong need or desire we have for perfect understanding. The truth needs to be seen as something to love more than fear. But escaping the truth with lies or humor can also be dangerous when someone is about to be truly run over by a bus.

Ethnopluralism speaks the truth about human nature and political philosophy. It counters the lies of political correctness, which is really cultural Marxism. Sociobiology has affirmed the ancient truths of group behavior as the main unit of selection among human beings (E.O. Wilson's superior revised interpretation). Ethnopluralism harmonizes with the truth about human nature being kin-centered, gender defined, age-grading, hierarchical, ethnocentric, even xenophobic, and religious-making, with group-selection as the primary unit of selection. This is why different groups are included in this worldview, the variety and independence of small states, protected with some sort of light federalism, is the best means of creating civil order, and the best environment for continuing evolution.

Are conservative's gradually crawling out of their selfish radical money-making individualism and centering more on localism and the family? One hopes conservative's soon move on to interest in the larger extended group rather than leaving it to the Left who want to use big government for all things, forcing unworkable equality for all the conditions of human life. But how much of the truths of ethnopluralism will be seen and valued, or even allowed? Are we inevitably a subjected and conquered people unable to see or speak the truth? I don't think so. The truth always rises, especially when our backs are against the wall of survival.  This has been true throughout our long history.

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