Sunday, June 09, 2013

Considering future first principles of government

In its essential social aspects human nature seeks survival and reproductive success in the world. This behavior of human nature is derived from the laws of nature and the task of government is to protect this natural behavior as much as possible.

When there are large groups of people, and with not all of them culturally and genetically similar, with all  seeking to fulfill the natural imperatives of human nature, a civilized way has to be found to reduce the chances of conflict, since war, especially modern wars, often damage success in survival and reproduction for both winners and losers.

Regions and states for this reason need to be protected in their differences and allowed as much independence and freedom as possible so that the people may fulfill the essential imperatives of human nature. Government as a whole is the recognition of this natural behavior, or natural law, and the need to protect and allow it. It seems to me that the original Constitution of the United States could more or less affirm this light federalism.

In the ancient past different groups, or races, were formed mainly from geographical isolation, and ethnics such as altruism were formed in isolated groups to help the groups bond for success in competition with other groups. But in the very populated world of today, present within-group ethics need to adapt to a between-group ethics which affirms our differences. Differences need to be acknowledged with courage and truth; the almost diabolical practice of promoting strong ethnocentrism for ones own group while disparaging and ruling out ethnocentrism in all other groups needs to cease.

In the future, in accord with nature and human nature, I believe we will be more consciously involved in our evolution, in shaping patterns of the distribution of cultural and genetic traits related to our needs and goals, and for this we will need the protection of differences. Religion helps bond people in the deepest way and sets sacred goals with values, morals and rituals. I think governments and religions of the future will apply evolutionary philosophy and sociobiology, with the sacred goal of evolving all the way to Godhood in the cosmos.

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