Saturday, May 19, 2012

Stages in the Twofold Path

What is the Spirit-Will? What is the Soul?

Our individual Spirit-Will is the supermaterial body of "light" that animates and activates life, and carries forward with life in survival and reproduction, until the highest evolution is attained and Godhood is reached.

The Spirit-Will, which activates life, seems to be like the completed Spirit-Will within Godhood but it is more immature, it lacks a God's Body. Beginning in the Primal Material, the Spirit-Will activates the lower evolved material to the highest evolved supermaterial, shaped by evolution. Godhood is the perfection of the Spirit-Will within the supermaterial body of Godhood, where the Spirit-Will of full evolution can reside. The Evolutionary Outward Path is the Path to Godhood.

In comparison, the Soul exists at the zenith of the mind as a state which is materially-free of desires, a blissful emptiness brought about by individual ascetic discipline. The Soul is the "I Am-ness" that mystics speak of but it is not bodiless or objectless---the Soul is the state of mind made free of desires, while it is still dependent on the highest mind in the body. The Soul gives a glimpse of, or is a mirror of Godhood, or a glimpse of some of what the God-mind may be when evolution reaches Godhood. The Soul is not Godhood anymore than the Spirit-Will is Godhood. The Involutionary Inward Path is the Path to the Soul, or the Father Within.

The Revealed Religions tend to stop development at identifying the Soul Within, but this is only the goal of the Inward Path. It is not enough to identify with either the Soul or the Spirit-Will Within. The Soul is the zenith of the human mind where one can identify with Godhood, but this is not Godhood. Neither the Spirit-Will nor the Soul is identical with Godhood because they lack the fully evolved Body and Mind of Godhood, which the Soul and Spirit-Will must evolve to within the vehicle of the body in material and supermaterial evolution in the Outward Path.

The Twofold Path leads to the Inward Soul and then to Outward Godhood.

Stages in the Twofold Path

In the Twofold Path, the path of  the Involutionary Inward Path can involve stages, which can move from service, to devotion, to self-realization of the God Within, or Father Within. Most religions stop here.

The Theoevolutionary Church moves from the Involutionary Inward Path to the Evolutionary Outward Path of evolution, to real material and supermaterial Godhood in the cosmos, with many stages of evolution, moving toward increasingly evolved complexity, beauty, truth and goodness, as an evolving living object.  Beauty is defined as the way the object looks, truth is the way the object is defined or denotated, and goodness is the actions of the object.  This isa trinity in the Outward Path.
Religion needs now to enter the Evolutionary Outward Path stage, while retaining the Inward Path knowledge.

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