Monday, May 21, 2012

Multilevel human selection pressures

In Wilson's new book (“The Social Conquest of Earth”) he affirms two levels of selection, group selection and individual selection, but he now virtually leaves out kin-selection. I haven't seen the math that brought Wilson to this conclusion, but I believe all three apply in a multilevel natural selection. Groups competing with groups favor the ethics of social behavior, individuals competing with individuals favor self-serving behavior, and kin-selection favors relatives over non-relatives.

It does seem true that group selection is the highest or central level of selection, with group cohesion creating the traditional ethics of mankind. Wilson says group selection is the driving force behind where we have been and where we are going. Group selection is the process responsible for social behavior and explains why humans are so tribalistic.

The multilevel selection of group, individual and kin selection explains why human beings are always so conflicted in their decisions and motivations, why we are both saints and sinners. But knowing the central place of group selection helps organize out values in a healthier way in relation to true human nature. Political correctness, which is really cultural Marxism, lags behind this knowledge and continues to damage mankind.

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