Friday, May 11, 2012

Decadent Art and Evolutionary Realism

Decadent art can be defined as having no open relevance to survival, reproduction and evolution. Anthropologists have said that this tends to happen because art, music, etc. flourish when the physical basis of life and survival is assured and the eye can be taken off the more vital survival concerns.

What I have defined as Evolutionary Realism in art and religion can retain and affirm the values of human survival, reproduction and evolution in art--but not with a didactically clumsy art. Healthy conservatism does absorb the new without being overwhelmed by it, and without forgetting the most vital things in life and evolution. 

The greatest art in history can be defined as an affirmation of the sacred, which modern art ignores, or ironically twists with no replacement.  But the sacred can also have little relevance to real life, survival and reproduction when it concentrates exclusively on the Inward Path to the Father Within, which must be reached by blocking all material desires.  Religion as well as art need the Outward Path of evolution to Godhood to retain relevance. 

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