Tuesday, May 01, 2012

The Spirit-Will: Exhuming the Super-Id

The neo-cortex of the human brain doesn't really rule the older parts of the brain, or the instincts (the genetic propensity to do one thing rather than another), the cortex finds the means to the goals of the instincts. The Spirit-Will, which I have called the Super-Id, can be defined as the zenith of the instincts, and its goal is to evolve to Godhood by way of the vehicle of material and supermaterial evolution.

Understanding the activation of the Spirit-Will, or Super-Id, in psychological and biological terms, allows us to see through or bypass many of the sublimation's of the instincts in our culture, which evolved when the instincts to food, sex, etc. were frustrated. The Involutionary Inward Path of the Revealed Religions required the blocking of the “desires of the flesh” to reach the Father Within, which was a strong frustration of the instincts for a great goal of the neocortex.

While still retaining the Inward Path to the Father-Within in the Twofold Path, the Evolutionary Outward Path of the Theoevolutionary Church is the way through the indirect frustration's of the Inward Path, as the Outward Path is directed by the powerful, natural, activation of the zenith of the instincts, the Spirit-Will, which can then get on with activating life to real Godhood, shaped by evolution. This religion suggests a new “evolutionary therapy” for the biological and psychological goals and frustrations of  life, more in line with nature, and human nature.


  1. I would like to read more information of this theory of the human mind. Theories of reality I have found divide the mind into the conscious and the sub-conscious. Neuroscientists point out that they believe that the conscious uses little of the mind and the subconscious occupies 90+ %. Further many believe that before age 7, the subconscious is being programmed at will by the daily experiences of the child's life, and that these early programs become sealed away after 7 and then run in perpetuity.
    I have certain negative responses and attitudes which have caused me much grief in my life up to age 57, and I am earnestly studying the mind-brain-spirit reality to understand this reality and discover the means to 'fix' it.
    Presently I have found the theory of autosuggestion, as defined my Emile Coue', and I have found that autosuggestion is aided by the method of EMDR, as EMDR seems to open a channel to the subconscious.

    1. I mentioned the general way I look at psychotherapy in this recent blog post: The Basic Dynamic of Evolutionary Therapy. http://civilizingthebeast.blogspot.com/2012/06/basic-dynamic-of-evolutionary-therapy.html
      I think defining health involves individual dynamics as well as society working in harmony with religion—--easier said than done but I think doable as a goal.

    2. I should add, if desensitizing therapy can help the ego get in control of the instincts that seem okay to me, but the individual needs to synthesize the social as well along with a religious goal to become a whole person, as you probably know.


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