Friday, September 17, 2010

Seeing the Whole Pattern

Differences With Hegel

Evolution Is The True Dialectic.

Scientists arrived on the scene when they could see evolution moving from the simple to the complex, among other things, but they missed the period when evolution will or had attained its highest complexity, its highest consciousness and truth: which is Godhood. Life was born “simple” moving again toward the complex and finally to Godhood. To see the whole pattern requires more than science strictly allows. Intellectual imagination or intellectual intuition comes before science, science can then map the pattern found. Seeing patterns, simple or beautiful or complex patterns, before mathematics enters to put numbers on the patterns, is what creates beautiful mathematics. The pattern comes first. But, lest we worship the pattern, even before the pattern was or is the Object, simple or complex, and finally the Supreme Object Godhood.

Moral imagination traces the patterns or affirms the patterns. I agree with Hegel that only the whole—which I define as Godhood--- is true, and all the stages and beings and becomings of evolution are only partially true. We cannot know Absolute Truth until we evolve to Godhood. We do not know the Absolute Truth from the Involutionary Inward Path to the Soul and Spirit Within, as the Revealed Religions have too often claimed. We can only know the Absolute Truth when we evolve to Godhood in the Evolutionary Outward Path (The Twofold Path). This will define “Totality.”

It is evolution that preserves what it descended from, yet goes beyond. Evolution is the true “dialectic.” Truth defines the object of truth, truth does not, or should not stand alone outside the object of truth. This means truth should be seen as an organic object rather than only as mathematics.

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