Friday, September 03, 2010

I like Spinoza but...

I like Spinoza's monism but I do not define Godhood as the universe. Godhood is the Zenith of the evolution of all things, but not the cosmos itself. I agree with Spinoza that mind, matter, and everything spiritual, or intellectual, and all things material are of the same basic substance.

I think that we have access to the truth through reason, but also through religious techniques. We can access timeless truths through both science and religion, but not the whole truth. Only Half-Truth of Godhood resides in the Spirit-Will or the Will to Godhood, which activates us to Godhood as it's central mission.

I agree with Hegel that truth is more historical, but I use the term evolutionary. I work with Theological Materialism, not a dialectical or historical materialism. Spinoza (and Plato) seems to have thought we could access the whole truth through reason, perhaps through mathematics-like forms, but I think we need to evolve materially and supermaterially to see higher truths, and we need to evolve all the way to Godhood before we can know (or be) Absolute Truth.

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