Saturday, September 04, 2010

The False Separation Between Religion and Science

To adapt a phrase of Indian mystic, Sister Vandana, Godhood is experienceable but not expressible. This to me means that the denotations and formulations of religion and science do not cover the existential experience of Godhood. Here is where religion moves out of the realm of science. This does not mean that science should be thrown out, as many religious people think, but it also does not mean that science should throw out religion. Both struggle to define the world and should be jointly used. Religion is not the “heart” and science the “head,” both religion and science are in the head, as the Soul is the Zenith of the Mind and the Spirit is the Zenith of the Soul.

I think that one day science and religion will become one field, as the spiritual qualities are seen as supermaterial. The Logos and the Word are a mirror of the Supreme Object and not the other way around. We do not pass from unreality to reality, or from darkness to light as we evolve to Godhood, we pass from lower reality to superreality. The error comes from separating spirit from matter, which is the base of the false separation between religion and science.

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