Monday, September 20, 2010

How I disagree with the esoteric traditionalists

I disagree with esoteric traditionalists who reject forming an alliance with the Vatican. I see these as forces of ecumenism gradually realizing the sameness between all the Revealed Religions, both esoteric and exoteric. What they are missing is the Evolutionary Outward Path of the evolution of life to Godhood.

The true separation is not between the Revealed Religions, all of which affirm the Involutionary Inward Path to the God Within, the separation is between the Inward Religions who have put up a Great Spiritual Blockade against the material-supermaterial evolution to Godhood of the Twofold Path, which affirms both the Inward and Outward Paths of the Evolutionary Christian Church.

The Western Neoplatonic view also connects to the Eastern view of religion and philosophy, as in Hinduism, and this should point the way to ecumenism between the East and the West. This is ecumenism is objected to by the esoteric traditionalists, who in doing so affirm supremacism, which is contrary to the variety needed in evolution. The Outward Path can realize and affirm separation and variety in the evolution to Godhood, it is the Inward Path which allows the real ecumenism which exists between the religions.

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