Friday, November 20, 2009

Human beings can't become God, we must evolve to God

When Nietzsche said “man is something to be overcome” I don't think that religious mystics can claim that they are doing this in their self-transformations through meditation etc. Only human evolution can transform or overcome man beyond the human, far beyond the human.

Contrary to the Hindu-Tantric and other Traditions, human beings can't become God, humans must evolve to God. What mystics and adepts are “becoming” is immersed in the Soul-Mind and the Spirit Within all life. This is not Godhood, this is the Seed or Spark of God, which is also called the Spirit or the Will To Godhood. Godhood, the Supreme Object, is only attained through material-spiritual evolution in the Kosmos and not through even high meditation alone. The laws of nature are not overcome by mystics, as they usually claim. Self-transformation requires evolution, material evolution, far from achieving only a mystical level of human understanding, no matter how blissful.

In this sense religion has atrophied or blocked the true path to Godhood. We have called this a Great Spiritual Blockade. But science too has little interest in man evolving to Godhood. Therefore we want to engage both religion and science in the Twofold Path to Godhood, the Involutionary Inward Path and the Evolutionary Outward Path, which synthesize religion and science, the spiritual and material on the Path to Godhood.

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