Thursday, November 06, 2008

What can be done?

Much depends on how we define the operation of natural law. Many wise men have spent their lives trying to define the order of nature, Plato, Aristotle, Augustine, Aquinas, Hegel, Darwin, Marx, Nock, Kirk, Wilson, etc.. One thing seems certain in history, big state power has been unable to do anything efficiently, economically, or honestly, it always sinks into corruption and waste.

Albert Nock wrote about how past empires all came to the end of the path that we began centuries ago: a steady move toward collectivism, with the state taking more and more of the national income, then there is a move toward military despotism, and finally the state has sucked all the life out of society and we are left with a dead machine.

Nock said we should leave it to work its own way out. Let the disorder be settled by the operation of natural laws, which are the same laws that Nock wanted governments to live by; that is, state intervention is always a cure worse than the disease. Any contravention of natural law must have its consequences.

A good government, that is, a government following the natural order, will make no positive interventions on the individual and the people, it will make only negative interventions in behalf of simple liberty, not law, but justice.

The present world is a good time to fortify ourselves with Greek and Latin studies, and religion, and dare we say, evolutionary science. Change happens slowly, indirectly, the attitude of mind toward big state rule will change over time. We will have our natural localism back. And we will eventually have the order of the Evolutionary Christian Church.

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