Thursday, November 13, 2008

Resolving Dualism

Seeing the transcendent is not being the transcendent. The non dual nature experienced by saints and sages is not the God reached at the zenith of evolution, it is basking in the Soul of the body, which, with great effort, can be reached. (see The Great Spiritual Blockade )

When we jump in a lake we are not the lake, we are only experiencing the lake. We must not stop our evolution with merely swimming in the lake, blissful as that is, we must evolve to become, in this sense, the lake. This lake-experience of being in the presence of God is still dual but it is so overwhelming that we think we are non dual God.

We must not cast off the human body or the material world too soon as it is the stuff from which we evolve to the true God, which we see inwardly first.

The Evolutionary Christian Church sees the eternal in the temporal, the spiritual in the material and the divine in what is not yet divine. The evolution of the material to the "spiritual," which is really the highest form of the material, helps resolve the duality and disjunctions between science and religion and religious dualism in general.

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