Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Loving your enemies as a conditional elaboration of abstention

When Jesus says (Luke 6) “...him that taketh away thy cloke forbid not to take thy coat also,” this is easier to understand when one has no interest whatsoever in the coat. And when Jesus says (Mark 7) “...that which cometh out of man, that defileth the man,” this is spoken from the perspective of the Inward Path where all sensual and material thoughts are blocked so that one may see God within. When Krishna says “...The divine qualities lead to liberation, whereas the demoniac qualities cause bondage,” (Bhagawadgita 16.5) this too is understood as knowing God by blocking out the material world through the Inward Path. These spiritual qualities are an elaboration of abstention. When the material mind and body are controlled and blocked spiritually the thoughts and actions of other men do not affect man. However, material nature is not demoniac nature, the spiritual life need not define material life as evil, and material life need not define the spiritual life as evil, as the atheists tend to do.

The Theoevolutionary Church distinguishes the Involutionary Inward Path from the Evolutionary Outward Path by attaching the Gnostic perspective of Revealed Religions to the Inward Path, which sees God within, and by attaching material evolution to the Outward Path, of evolving to God. It is relatively easier to love your enemies when applying the Inward Path, where material life is blocked and devalued so that one may see God within, whereas the competitions and challenges of material life and evolution to Godhood are better managed through the Outward Path, which can be guided by the Church, ie. the new order of renewal of the Theoevolutionary Church.

Happy Thanksgiving.

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