Sunday, April 13, 2014

Our ignorance regarding human nature has nearly destroyed us

I suppose there has been a steady improvement in defining human nature over time, with the biggest problem coming from the biased will to power of human nature itself.

People began to see their way out of the strict ancient paternalism of containing human nature when Adam Smith and others began to use individualistic greed, etc. for public benefit, as long as rules were in place to counter such abuses as monopolies, etc. The U.S. Constitution was much influenced by this in its balancing of the separation of powers.

But individualism was too much emphasized, and it was then countered with the Marxist emphasis on classes, which in turn was then countered with nationalism. Nationalism moved us closer to accommodating real human nature than is usually acknowledge in this age of political correctness.

The new Darwinism of sociobiology is perhaps the most accurate view of human nature so far. Human nature began to be redefined in a basic way as being kin-centered, gender defined, heterosexual marriage-making, hierarchical, ethnocentric, even xenophobic, and religious-making, among other things,with group-selection as the primary unit of selection. But there has been much hostility and corruption regarding sociobiology, and it seems to have receded....such things as misnamed “neoconservatism” and religious fundamentalism block its view.

Human nature as proposed by sociobiology strongly suggests that the ethnopluralism hypothesis defines the best method over the long term for us “all to get along.” That is, the separation of powers, regions, states much more in terms of ethnic cultures, not unlike the separation of states and the protecting federalism of the U.S Constitution, which could accommodate this real human nature, and help save us from destroying ourselves.

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