Thursday, April 21, 2022

The Third Covenant versus both the Traditionalist School and the Great Reset

Political philosophers talk of ideologies, like the Great Reset, religious philosophers talk of covenants, mysticism, etc, like the Traditionalist School, I believe the Third Covenant, the Cosmic Covenant, surpasses both of these.

As Michael Rectenwald said in his excellent essay on Klaus Schwab, chairman of the World Economic Forum, “What Is the Great Reset?” (Imprimus, Dec 2021) “Another way of describing the goal of the Great Reset is “capitalism with Chinese characteristics”—a two-tiered economy, with profitable monopolies and the state on top and socialism for the majority below...While approved corporations are not necessarily monopolies, the tendency of the Great Reset is toward monopolization—vesting as much control over production and distribution in as few favored corporations as possible, while eliminating industries and producers deemed non-essential or inimical. To bring this reset about, Schwab writes, “[e]very country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed.”

As have said before, my view of the absolute importance of human evolution kept me away from the brilliant seduction of the Traditionalist School which is where the Alt-right turned. Many have now gone over to the school of Guenon, Evola, and the Russian Dugin, and embraced a non-populist, old spiritual religious, imperialist, hierarchy of rule, and have downplayed or even rejected the idea of science and evolutionary progress. Why didn't the Alt-right feature more Western geniuses, men like the brilliant British/American psychologist Raymond Cattell, or the great Neo-Darwinist field of sociobiology, rather than converting to the West-hating Russian imperialist Aleksandr Dugin and his Traditionalist School teachers, Guénon and Evola who did not find science (a jewel of the West) nearly as important as Eastern spiritualism (a jewel of the East).

I wrote of Three Covenants explaining how in the First Covenant of Primordial Tradition the Spirit and Soul of the Inward Path were understood as existing in the blood, that is, as being passed on only racially and tribally to a chosen eg. (Jewish) or noble (Aryan) people, etc.. Then Jesus Christ (and Eastern masters) brought the knowledge that the spirit and Soul-Within need not be understood and affirmed only racially or tribally but could be understood and followed by any race, any people, universally, provided they were taught the proper way to see or experience the God Within; Christianity said we were “Chosen” through faith in Christ not chosen by blood. That was the Second Covenant. Theological materialism (and the projected Theoevolutionary Church) affirm the mission and path of the Third Covenant, the Cosmic Covenant of the Evolutionary Outward Path, which revitalizes Primordial Tradition, Christianity, Hinduism etc. by once again affirming the First Covenant of genetic and biological qualities within our material evolution to supermaterial Godhood as applied to the Outward Path of material evolution to supermaterial Godhood, yet also, as in the Second Covenant, this is applied to all people, all nations, all races, all people, preferably living in their own protected states or ethnostates with access to knowledge of the material evolution to Godhood. That is the synthesis of the Three Covenants in theological materialism.

Third Covenant acknowledges the biological origin of our social behavior which can end the intellectual separation between political ideologies and religious covenants, pointing toward the religious/political/cultural solution of the ethnopluralism hypothesis, often written about here. It is a conservative transformation---not revolution---that can bring about an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, which is the sociopolitical or political/cultural structure most in harmony with kin-centered and ethnocentric real human nature which evolved many thousands of years ago and remains with us today. Each ethnostate, each ethnic group, each race, can have access to knowledge of our sacred material evolution to supermaterial Godhood, and can pursue that sacred evolution in their own way in their own protected states, in the variety that is conducive to evolution, perhaps aided by nonpartisan international sociobiological research centers, as Raymond Cattell suggested.

The forced imperialism, supremacism, and multiculturalism of the world will give way to an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, in line with real kin and ethnic-centered human nature. I think the real debate in the U.S. should be over how we can conservatively adapt the Constitutional separation of powers and states to an ethnopluralism of ethnostates. Cooperative competition between small ethnostates and regions, protected internally and externally from imperialism, supremacism, and multiculturalism by some sort of federalism, which can bring the variety and creativity that evolution prefers, as we all materially evolve toward Godhood.

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