Sunday, April 03, 2022

Avoiding Genocide

In an article in Chronicles, Feb 2020 called “The New American Genocide,” Pedro Gonzalez writes: “The political hostility of the United States today is directed at no one more than America’s European-descended whites—the group whose ancestors are largely responsible for settling, building, and defending this country...According to the United Nations definition there are “two main elements” of genocide in practice, and they can occur either “in the context of an armed conflict” or in “a peaceful situation.” The first element is “mental,” defined as the “intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such.” The second is the “physical” element, which is broken into five different acts, ranging from the outright killing of group members to deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part..It is a strange and unfortunate thing that this framework is increasingly useful for understanding the plight of whites in America as a group targeted for deliberate cultural dispossession and physical discrimination. Of course, a rebuttal here is that we have not yet reached the point where whites are being persecuted enough to warrant such an assertion. But then it would seem we must hold our tongues until that awful fate befalls whites...” Then Gonzalez goes on to list many examples of discrimination against whites and against white history that we all have seen exemplified lately with “critical race theory” etc. etc.

I agree with Gonzalez, but I take the even even deeper view and see the biological origin of social behavior behind all the ideologies and social schemes now adding up to an assault by nonwhites on the whole Western world and on the white people who created white Western culture. Nonwhites are coming after Whites more openly and undisguised every day.

I believe that the the biological origin of social behavior and real human nature, which is genetically kin and ethnic centered, leads naturally to regionalism, localism, and eventually an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, and so the sanest and most humane way (“equitable”) I can see to deal with the biological origin of social behavior and what we all are is for all ethnic groups or races, black, brown, red, white, or yellow to eventually form into an ethnopluralism of ethnostates. A federalism of the American variety with strong states rights can work for future ethnostates. The Constitution certainly gives the states independence and freedom, especially with the Tenth Amendment, which means that radical solutions such as supremacism, genocide, radical revolution or secession are not necessary.

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