Saturday, June 11, 2022

The acceptance of human biodiversity and the biological origin of social behavior

I believe the acceptance of human biodiversity and the biological origin of social behavior is the best and perhaps only way for humans, both conservatives and progressives, to exist in the best ways possible. We have to admit that the different human races possess heritable differences do to localized group inbreeding through many generations, and that our behavior, intelligence, and personalities are to a large extent heritable. For example, clear differences in behavior, intelligence, and personalities of blacks and whites are not primarily caused by anti-black prejudice of white people, all races tend to biologically inherit these differences in behavior, intelligence, and personalities, and they usually prefer their own kind.

And we should allow all races to prefer their own kind and even set themselves up in ethnostates according to real human nature. If real kin and ethnic-centered human nature was allowed to be what it is, it would naturally lead to ethnostates, and finally to an ethnopluralism of ethnostates for all groups, black, white, brown, yellow, or red, with each ethnostate protected from marauding imperialists, global businesses, supremacists, Marxists, etc., and defended by a defensive federalism. An ethnopluralism of ethnostates could be established legally in the United States with our constitutional separation of powers and states.

Until we openly face and accept the reality of human biodiversity and the biological origin of social behavior we will only be playing around with weak or unworkable solution's to our dangerous social problems.

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