Saturday, March 20, 2021

We have no choice but to try to stop America from committing suicide

Propaganda and brainwashing by the media and the schools has been destroying American culture at an increasing rate, which may have already made it impossible now to recover. Virtually nothing has been done to stop this destruction.

The media and the schools promote the mass psychosis of cultural Marxism (demanding equality for the unequal), radical feminism (demanding biologically unnatural roles for women), homosexuality (demanding biologically unnatural sexual life styles) and postmodern relativism (demanding a biologically unnatural relativity of values).

The media and the schools have destroyed all the traditional elements of white Western order, including the ethics and morals of religion, art and education. The Big Media has become wealthy creating, promoting T.V. shows, movies, and computer games that celebrate gross violence, hedonism, immorality, transgenderism, etc, even as they also create, promote, and feature cultural Marxism. Demographically they have been successful in taking away the cultural reasons and incentives for having children and a normal natural life: whites are now dying faster than being born.

The media and the schools preach values that are opposite real human nature: humans are genetically ethnocentric, even xenophobic, as well as being kin-centered, gender defined, age-graded, heterosexual marriage-making, hierarchical, with group-selection as the primary unit of selection, followed by individual-selection. The media and the schools preach that these human traits are evil. But when real human nature is suppressed rather than bonded and affirmed, all hell breaks loose. What really happens in reality, hidden beneath the multicultural and egalitarian lies, is a zero sum game where one race rises at the expense of another.

America and the world needs to be rid of the various versions of imperialism, whether financial, religious or racial. A United States of independent states, or ethnostates, defensively federated, and a Europe and Asia of thousands of ethnostates concerned with true human nature and future human evolution is the future that we need. 

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