Monday, March 29, 2021

How traditional religions can be transformed to save them

 Maybe the magnificent beauty alone of the church buildings will save them from the slow fall of Christianity which has been dying as materialism increasingly explains the former mysteries of religion. Change is reality, but so is retaining the best of the past. That is also the way evolution works. The human body and brain evolved by retaining the fish, reptilian and mammalian brain. That is conservatism in action.

Conservatism is vitally important in the lives of human beings and human cultures, retaining what was long developed is important to humans and to human survival. The culture of Christianity is virtually baked into Western civilization, but it can be transformed, just as Christianity retained but transformed Judaism, Odinism, and the pagan Greeks and Romans.

Odin could be called the first Western Faustian man seeking knowledge and power at all costs. But being Faustian, Western knowledge has moved on from Odin to where we can now see that the path to real Godhood is through material evolution, with help from science.

The Christian world has disparaged the idea of becoming God as being highly blasphemous. Traditional religions have demanded that their God be spiritual and beyond the vulgar and evil material world, the desires of the material flesh are to be blocked or overcome in order to see the God Within.

But the Inward Path to the God Within of Christ (and Buddha) can be retained and now seen as the first symbolic experience of the real Godhood reached through the Outward Path of material evolution. This is explained in the Twofold Path of theological materialism. The Twofold Path conservatively does not reject either paganism or Christianity. We can actually become Gods by affirming the material evolution to ascending levels of supermaterial Godhood, which is the transformed and evolved Godhood of the great religions.

Inward path religion needs now to enter the Evolutionary Outward Path stage, while retaining the traditional Inward Path. Then we can keep our magnificent church buildings and our magnificent religions.

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