Thursday, October 01, 2020

My religious philosophy simply stated

Simply stated, Tirips or the will, which is material and within every cell of the body, is reborn in the physical body in procreation and reproduction, with its primary task of activating the body to evolve to ascending levels of Godhood while being shaped outwardly by natural selection and evolutionary mutations. Then Tirips is born in new bodies, and so on. This has happened since the beginning of the unending cosmos, leading ultimately to the evolution of life to ascending levels of Godhood, which is the sacred goal of all life. A civilizational and cultural totality derives from this religious philosophy of aiding the evolution of life to Godhood, which brings religion and science together. The biological origin of social behavior then suggests that ethnostatism, with an ethnopluralism of protected ethnostates, is the most humane and rational way for humans to live and evolve, given kin and ethnic centered human nature.

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