Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Ethnostates and ethnopluralism, supremacism and imperialism

The supremacy or imperial dominance of one race over all others, whether noble, chosen or savage, it is a bad survival and reproductive strategy, especially in today's overcrowded world, the unincluded groups always gang up on and defeat the supremacy-claiming group, and on it goes.

In any case people don't bond with imperial empires, empires are too far removed from local people for natural altruism to work. But the exploiters and marauders of the earth prefer empires, which they selfishly dominate, and, irony of ironies, they often pursue for ethnocentric reasons. Empires always fall apart and reform into ethnostates, or an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, as an honest reading of history shows us. But any ethnopluralism needs to be strongly protected and defended from marauding empires.

Racial supremacism was a big problem for the fascists, they couldn't find a way other than to apply racial supremacism to deal with ethnocentric human nature in a world of diverse races. Humans have been ethnocentric and racialist since humans became humans because in the old tribal days ethnic or group-selection was the best way for individuals to successfully survive, so altruism, or being for others, was naturally limited mainly to kin and ethnic group because they shared the same genes which strive for successful survival and reproduction. Those genes are still with us today.

We may gradually realize the reality that multicultural multi-ethnic societies just don't work. It would be better to talk of un-assimilating differences rather than about superiority/inferiority, and it would be better long-term strategy to promote an ethnopluralism of ethnostates. A true natural rights or civil rights movement would promote ethnostates for all groups, black, white, brown, yellow, or red, with each ethnostate protected from marauding imperialists, global businesses, supremacists, Marxists, etc.

Our upward evolution probably works better with a variety of ethnostates anyway, and they certainly fit well with real human nature.

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