Saturday, August 15, 2020

Trump is epically fighting against almost all the powers that be

When the U.S. got tired of the anti-American antics of Soviet Union, who were financed by Western governments and banks, and were also spending about 16 billion more than they were making, President Reagan and the banks terminated the flow of cash to the Soviets who then soon collapsed.

Now President Trump has gotten tired of the anti-American antics of China, but it's not easy to control China when the West has invested trillions of dollars in China, and given China entrance into the World Trade Organization, and when Wall Street objects to anything that stops the free flow of global capital, even if Wall Street investments in China finance concentration camps.

But Trump seems determined to stop China from becoming the world's leading power in spite his myriad of enemies who have been trying to destroy him in any way they can. If Biden wins the presidency China will become the world's leading power.

So I say more power to Trump even if he sometimes has an obnoxious personalty. He is fighting against almost all the powers that be, and that makes him an epic hero.

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