Tuesday, August 11, 2020

The language of art and literature: how evolutionary religion outranks Dionysian art (from the archive)

 I think art and literature need to use a language that most people can understand to allow the cultural communication to take place, otherwise art may communicate only to the few, as does much of modern art and literature where you have to first know the arcane language, the overall culture be dammed. Separating the arts into high and low art does happen but both refined and unrefined art can affirm the sacred.  

For me this calls for evolutionary realism, poetic realism, not unlike idealistic classical realism yet steeped in naturalism as studied by sociobiology, that is,  real nature, real human nature, but with the subjects infused with the upward climb of evolution toward Godhood, and with Godhood portrayed as the beautiful supermaterial zenith of material evolution, if that can be done. This way religious art, ultimately the highest form of art, remains as it has always been, an affirmation of the sacred.  

How evolutionary religion outranks Dionysian art 

Nietzsche thought that “spiritualizing” the senses made them artistic, not having much time for religion. But when spiritualizing is seen as a material evolutionary development then spiritualizing can be seen as religious: we materially evolve from the simple to the complex, from lower to higher life in the Outward Path to Godhood. The spiritual in this way is really the material evolving to the supermaterial. Art still follows religion, as art performs the task of affirming the sacred. 

To Nietzsche, nature is immoral in relation to traditional religions, but nature can be seen as moral in relation to evolution, nature can be virtuous again as we evolve materially toward Godhood. When Schopenhauer threw away real life in becoming a virtual Buddhist, Nietzsche tried to revive life again with the will-to-power, but with a will of no end goal, no teleology. Nietzsche's art was a Dionysian celebration of the tragedy of amoral existence. In this way Nietzsche seems to have corrupted the will almost as much as Schopenhauer. Religious, moral, and artistic health are defined in the evolution of life, in nature, to Godhood.

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