Evolutionary conservatism
retains the basic insights of conservatism as explained by Clyde
Wilson in writing about M.E Bradford (Chronicles, Dec 2019), but then
evolutionary conservatism adds to and deepens paleoconservatism.
One: “The American War of Independence was not a
revolution made, but a revolution forestalled. Unlike the French
Revolution, the Founders acted to preserve their existing
self-governing societies, not to overturn society and launch a global
revolution for equality.” Two: “Bradford showed that
Lincoln abandoned the moderate aspects of the Founding, at least
rhetorically. In an attempt to give the Union invasion of the seceded
South a universal justification, this wartime president appealed to a
transformed America that would engage in a “continuing revolution”
for the delusive goal of equality. This, in a more radicalized form,
is the regime that we continue to live under today. ” Three:
“American writers have generally considered themselves to be
alienated rebels against a defective society. The great Southern
writers of the 20th century, from Faulkner on down, as Bradford
showed, were the faithful, non-alienated bards of the South. They
might criticize the folk back home but always, until very recently,
identified with their kin and region.” Four: “In the march
of life, the Agrarian vision has never lost its relevance when we
speak about a genuine American “conservatism” that is rooted in a
sense of place.”
conservatism agrees with the paleoconservative condemning of the
which was “sought
by Americans eager to stretch the republic into an empire, as another
false idol that turns us away from the local and humane...”and a
culture “poured in from the top” in the modern American way is no
culture at all.”
But paleoconservative
's are also very skeptical of human progress and “shun the worship
of material progress, particularly when that progress is linked to
government efforts to improve human nature.” Evolutionary
conservatism sees progress as life infused with the upward climb of
evolution toward ascending levels of real Godhood at the zenith of
material evolution, which we can and should aid with the evolutionary
Evolutionary conservatism
adds to and deepens basic paleoconservatism by affirming the
biological origin of social behavior as defined mainly by the science
of sociobiology. Human
nature is biologically
and ethnic-centered, even xenophobic, as well as being genetically
gender defined, age-graded, heterosexual, marriage-making,
hierarchical, and religious-making, with group-selection and ethnic
selection as the primary unit of successful selection. Like the
liberals and neoconservatives the
paleoconservative's block or conceal the ethnic-centered
and xenophobic parts of human nature due it seems to universalist
religious edicts.
view of the absolute importance of human evolution kept me away from
the brilliant seduction of the Traditionalist School which is where
the Alt-right turned from their old racialism. Many have now gone
over to the school of Guenon, Evola, and the Russian Dugin, and
embraced a non-populist, old spiritual religious, imperialist,
hierarchy of rule, and have downplayed or even rejected the idea of
science and evolutionary progress. Why didn't
the Alt-right feature more Western
geniuses, men like the brilliant British/American psychologist
Raymond Cattell, or the great Neo-Darwinist field of sociobiology,
rather than converting to the West-disparaging Russian imperialist
Aleksandr Dugin and his Traditionalist School teachers, Guénon
and Evola, who did not find science (a jewel of the West) nearly as
important as Eastern spiritualism (a jewel
of the East).
conservatism believes that if real kin and ethnic-centered human
nature was allowed to be what it is, it would naturally lead to
regionalism, localism, general conservative values, eventually
ethnostates, and finally an ethnopluralism of ethnostates for
all groups, black, white, brown, yellow, or red, with each ethnostate
protected from marauding imperialists, global businesses,
supremacists, Marxists, etc., and defended by a defensive federalism.
An ethnopluralism of ethnostates could be established legally in the
United States with our constitutional separation of powers and
states... Then we can all get on with evolving toward Godhood.