Wednesday, January 08, 2014

The limited view of the spirit, the heart, and the neo-cortex

I think the Pagans were right in seeing the sacred within natural phenomena. The Spirit-Will is immanent and is only transcendent in relation to Its immanent evolution to Godhood within the material world.

Appealing to the non-material Spirit or the heart exclusively in religion is like modern intellectuals appealing only to the most recent neo-cortex of the human brain, attempting to ignore the more powerful deeper parts of the brain and human nature.

The problem of course is that science doesn't even acknowledge the Spirit-Will, and religion defines the spirit as essentially unconnected to the material world. So we end up concentrating on the non-material spirit, the heart, and on the neo-cortex, which leads to a truncated and limited view of human nature, religion and culture.

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