Thursday, January 02, 2014

Life flows opposite the Clinton worldview

I felt the usual frustration listening to former President Clinton's preachments at the commencement ceremonies of the new mayor of New York City, Bill de Blasio, because life flows opposite the Clinton worldview.

The Clinton's are all about the convergence and equality of all life, but in reality life diverges and is unequal in its flow. Modern liberalism, with its culturally Marxist base, goes against actual human nature which is kin-centered, gender defined, age-graded, heterosexual marriage-making, hierarchical, ethnocentric, even xenophobic, and religious-making, with group-selection as the primary unit of selection.

Variety is good, differences are good, but these things don't easily happen in “multicultural” cities where everyone is told to live together in the same space and love one another equally. The kindest and most humane thing to do is to affirm actual human nature and allow people to form into natural ethnopluralistic  states and regions. To force cultural Marxism on people, as the Clinton’s are always trying to do, ends up causing civil disturbances or even civil war. The various drives for the rights of minorities usually turn out to be drives for superiority, not equality, which causes more social problems for everyone than it solves.

Revolution is not necessary. Ethnopluralism is revitalized conservatism. Unfortunately modern conservatism (neoconservatism) has often encouraged the forced convergence of people and the breakdown of natural boundaries to better enhance universal consumerism, where only money matters. The original separation of powers of the U. S. Constitution can be revitalized to allow states and regions to form into the natural sort of ethnostates which they tend to flow into in any case. 

Cooperative competition with variety and natural divergence is what we require, not competition alone, and not cooperation alone.  Light federalism can protect the regions internally and externally. But when will this happen? The time-line is difficult to predict, the media, which is probably more influential than politics, is now on the side of the Clintons. But human nature is on the side of ethnopluralism. Empires always break down into ethnopluralistic states and regions, so why not stay there or go there in the first place?

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