Thursday, January 16, 2014

Can we make the inevitable our conscious choice?

It is still considered intolerant to say that people are not equal. Expensive social programs to change disparities and inequalities have not worked and will never work because people simply are not equal.  When we blame income disparities merely on single-parent families or out of wedlock births we play into the idea that the market determines all value, with cash as the ultimate goal. We should be centering more on preventing the plutocrats from gathering all the cash, which has now happened and all but destroyed the middle class, as well as the lower classes.

Do we really want to respect our differences and our variety and not have our differences exploited by demagogues and money-hogs? Can we stop distorting reality? The melting pot did not melt. Our Constitution can even accommodate this reality with its separation of powers, people, and states. We need to welcome the the fact that our empire, like all empires, will inevitably break down into a diversification of people, cultures, and states, or virtual ethnostates. Our light federalism can hold us together.

Ethnopluralism is always the future because it relates most harmoniously with real human nature. But it will happen in any case, so if we really want to prevent much pain and suffering we will make the inevitable our conscious choice. Will enough of us have the courage to face this reality? With our differences championed in this way we can then get on with the business of really helping one another in realistic ways.  Humans are capable of cooperative competition, which may be the only way we survive over time. We are all evolving in in our own unique ways toward Godhood.

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