Monday, August 15, 2011

Reality and the Pattern of Ecumenism/Synthesis

Science and reason should not alone perceive Reality. Intellectual intuition and faith are also vital in perceiving reality. But those who apply reason/science and those who apply intellectual intuition/faith often reject one another.

The problem is that there seems to be a dominance of wealth over both science and faith, and they are made to submit to wealth. Even power tends to submit to wealth.

There is something deeper than science, wealth and power dominating these drives and that is the sociobiological drive to survival and reproductive success. Human beings, as other animals, have not always been conscious of their sociobiological imperatives.

Yet there is something even deeper then wealth, science, power and sociobiological drives, and that is the activation of all life to evolve to Godhood. Here, finally, we can have the ecumenism/syntheses.

This seems to mean that intellectual intuition/faith lead the way in perceiving reality, followed by wealth, power, science and sociobiology drives, not necessary in that order.

I believe that both science and religion will one day affirm supermateriality and Godhood.

The principle pattern of materialism evolving to supermaterialism and then on to supermaterial Godhood reconciles the warring camps. This takes all life outside the confines of wealth, science, power and sociobiology. Great civilizations have always been grounded in the sacred.  This offers life a  real divine imperative. 

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