Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Grounding the Ground of Being

Causal ontology

Being is confined to concrete things, but concrete things range from the simple material to the complex supermaterial. Godhood or Being is the highest evolution of supermateriality.

Being's “essence” is the same Spirit-Will essence as that which activates the simple material, only with Being, the Spirit-Will has reached the goal for which It activates all life to attain.

This grounds the "groundless" ground of Being of Heidegger and St. Thomas. Causality does attain Being Itself. It does not “limit” Being to be linked to causality.

Why does it limit Being to “simply” be the Being of beings? This seems to be seen as a limitation only if one prefers nonmateriality, mathematics, language, etc, to a grounded, concrete materiality-supermateriality.

Being Itself will not disappear, as it is feared, if Being is “confined” to the concrete. This fear seems to be based on a dislike of or escape from the grounding in materiality. Being does not disappear but is transformed into cosmic Godhood by way of evolution, which is certainly not a disappearing. This superconcrete transformation is the real “transcendence.”

Man does not make his way to an existing Being in time, man evolves to the Zenith of material-supermaterial evolution, which is the real Being or Godhood in time.

Man does not merely gain access to the “meaning” of Being, man can become Being, man becomes Godhood by way of evolution.

It is the Spirit-Will within, which is material or supermaterial ,that bestows Itself on man, not Being. Being needs to be evolved to. The Spirit-Will is not Being.

The Great Spiritual Blockade of materiality-supermateriality by theology and philosophy needs to be unblocked so that life will not be trapped in groundlessness, and so that life can be allowed to evolve to Godhood.

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