Sunday, August 28, 2011

Adding Real Purpose To Nietzsche

It could be said that the Evolutionary Church adds direction and a goal to Nietzsche's anti-teleological will-to-power, and redefines the will-to-power as the will-to-Godhood, or the Spirit-Will, which seeks not amoral, undirectional power only, but seeks to activate life to Godhood from within, while being shaped from without by evolution.

Nietzsche thought that humanity “as a species is not progressing and does not represent any progress compared with any other animal,” ("Nihilism's Conscience,” Ronald Osborn, Modern Age, Fall 2010). For Nietzsche, life seeks power, goalless power, amorally or immorally if need be, or creates its own morality. Theology and metaphysics are spent forces for Nietzsche mainly because Nietzsche dismisses direction and purpose in power and in evolution.

But when Godhood is seen as a naturalistic and theological goal, the goal of evolution, then biology and theology need not settle for the empty spiritualism that Nietzsche detested. Nature and philosophy evolve to Godhood.

Nietzsche mainly wanted philosophy to ally itself with natural science, with what would now be called sociobiology, and Nietzsche thought this would finally do away with God and religion. But with sociobiology, the altruism which Nietzsche saw only weakness in, is seen as advancing the power of group survival and reproductive success, with religion helping to bond that altruism. I see no reason to reject these values as weakness in the will-to-power.

When sociobiology is seen teleologically then religion re-enters the world. The vitalism and teleology of the Spirit-Will (will-to-Godhood) saves God and religion while affirming the naturalization of philosophy which Nietzsche championed.

Nietzsche remains a nihilist, and his preference for naturalism in philosophy doesn't change his nihilism because Nietzsche saw no direction, no order, no goal to evolution, other than amoral, directionless power. This purposelessness seems to be another fiction to replace the old fiction of a material-free, evolution-free spiritualism.

All theology depends on joining with a new natural philosophy which sees direction and purpose in evolution. Godhood becomes the goal of evolution. Nihilism can only be overcome this way. At this point it is the “faith” that there is no purpose to the will-to-power in evolution, against the faith that there is purpose in evolution. I believe the science which Nietzsche truly preferred will one day affirm purpose, direction and the goal of Godhood in evolution. This will then give us the best of both faith and reason.

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