Saturday, January 01, 2011

Toward A Basic Ontology, Epistemology and Theology of Evolutionary Christianity

The Meaning of Being

The meaning of Being is found in the Mind of Being, which is not separate from the Body of Being. There is no bridge between them other than the transmitting apparatus of the Mind-Body.

Mathematical and logical meaning exist in material and supermaterial objects with minds and not outside the minds. Mathematics is in the Mind and the Mind (the Thing) exists within the “Itself” of the Body.

Full Consciousness of Supreme Being (the Supreme Thing-In-Itself) requires the Supreme Mind that exists within the Supreme Body of the Supreme Being. This Full Consciousness or Absolute Consciousness needs to be evolved to in the cosmos.

We humans can only know as much of Full Consciousness as we have been evolved to be able to know. Different evolutionary levels explain different levels or categories of Reality seen or known by different beings. Yet all are attempting to see or know the same Reality, which can be only Fully Known when we evolve to Godhood,.

This is why the real and the ideal are not opposites. As the mind and transmitting apparatus evolves to higher forms it can define more of Reality. The intellect gives meaning to the body.

The Thing and the In-Itself

The Absolute Thing-In-Itself is Godhood, where the Godhood is the Absolute “Thing” and the Body of Godhood is the Absolute “In-Itself.”

The Soul is the Zenith of the Mind, and can see deeper into the Will-Spirit, which is the Zenith of the Soul. This is how we apprehend the “In-Itself.”

This can be called Idealistic Realism. Until Godhood is attained the Soul or Mind sees only part of the body “in itself.” The Soul intuits the Godhood goal of the activating Will-Spirit, and the Spirit is the “Thing” within the “In-Itself.” This Thing called Spirit is a thing of substance, that is, it is a supermaterial substance, and the Spirit is thus part of the material body, part of the “in-itself” body.

Again, this means that the Thing is the Spirit and the In-Itself” is the Body. We rise in evolution until the thing-in-itself (small letters) evolves to the Thing-In-Itself (big letters) which is Godhood. It is only here with Godhood evolved to that Full Consciousness or Absolute Consciousness of the Thing-In-Itself occurs, and not until then. Here Godhood knows Itself or Itself knows Godhood.

Any difficulty in comparing the “thing-itself” and our thought of the thing is the same difficulty we have comparing the mind and the body. Being is allied with meaning because they are one thing-in-itself.

Categories of Being

Categories of Being are evolutionary stages of Real Objects with Minds and Bodies. Objects without minds are probably objects trapped in the entropy and devolution of the cosmos. There is not a real category of being as mind-only, Being (Body) is always connected to its own Mind.

This is why meaning can never be divorced from existence. There is not an essence outside of existence. They are the same, the Thing (Spirit as essence) and the In-Itself (Being in existence).

Early Heidegger asked (“Heidegger and Aquinas” by Caputo), if the “real” is “Being” then what is “validity?” I answer that validity is the “Thing” and the “Real” is the “Itself.” The thing-in-itself is the mind (thing) contemplating the body (itself). There is only one Reality.

When life finally evolves to Godhood then life becomes the Supreme Thing-In-Itself where the Mind of God knows the Body of God as a Real Object attained at the Zenith of Evolution in the cosmos.

Being takes place in time, not out of time.

Logical Judgment

Logical judgment is affected by the circumstances of the mind making the judgment. The more advanced the mind and consciousness the more can be known of logic and truth.

We lesser-evolved beings can know only partial truths about Being on a scale of evolution.

The center of the realm of logical truth is in the Spirit or Thing, and Spirit is the offspring of Godhood and not Godhood, so Spirit cannot know Absolute Truth until it evolves within the vehicle of material-supermaterial bodies to Godhood. Even so, the Spirit-Will contains more knowledge of God than any other thing in the cosmos other than Godhood Itself. The Spirit seeks Godhood and attains Godhood by activating material bodies to evolve to Godhood.

This is how religion and philosophy tap into the Spirit-Will as best they can to understand what Absolute Truth may be.

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