Thursday, January 27, 2011

Seeing and being the real physical object

Defining God as non physical probably began in more primitive times when early mystics thought mental life was non physical. This carried forward when mathematicians and logicians defined God with numerical meaning and truth, which was ideal and not physical.

I do not think we need to restrict things only to subjective data, as in phenomenology, or to evident data as in science, because Godhood and the Spirit remain ideal things understood through intellectual intuition (but may not always be). Godhood in this case is an “ideal” defined as physical, a Supreme Physical Object, which is why I sometimes use the term idealistic realism, or idealistic naturalism, or finally theological materialism.

What we see is real, but we can only see as much as our senses are evolved to see, and we don't See All with Full Consciousness until we evolve to Godhood, the Supreme Physical Object, or objects.

“Truth” then is the accuracy of judgment of the thing-itself, the object, depending on the level of evolution of consciousness of the definer of truth. Aquinas defined truth as the adequacy of the intellect and the thing.

Evolutionary Christianity brings religion to seeing and being the real physical object, both real and ideal, which evolves in the cosmos from the material to the supermaterial, and finally to Godhood.

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