Monday, October 18, 2010

Reason and love, sexism and epistemology

It has been said that reason and love are the two ways of comprehending the world. If we assign these in male/female categories, then we can go beyond the stereotypes and say the the whole person, man or woman, need to try to balance these. Using these categories, women don't have as much of a problem with paradoxical thinking---something can be both wrong and right---and men can see where emotion can get in the way of survival imperatives. Indeed, men and women need to keep their gendered rational and love bases, which do have a solid sociobiology foundation, but to be more whole, men and women need to add more of the traits of the other.

This is not only the way to deal with “sexism” but the way to deal with epistemology, how we think, how we know what we know. Both reason and love need to be involved in thinking and knowing, the conceptual and the sensory-perceptual. As it stands, more or less, religion has rejected reason and science has rejected emotion, although Aquinas and sociobiology have tried to resolve some of the differences. This has made both science and religion less than whole.

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