Friday, October 29, 2010

The foundation of the political view

People predominantly create cultures, cultures do not create people. Political theorists often miss the base of human nature when they define the meaning of political life.

Before capitalism or socialism arise men have basic survival and reproductive drives that seek success by developing various cultures. The various attributes of a people, such as intelligence, energy, creativity, are not the same among all people, and therefore they create different cultures.

Because all men are not the same, yet all men do have the will to success and power, it seems best to form small states for a variety of men with a variety of attributes. The small states can then be protected by a light federalism, with the central task being the protection of the sovereignty of the small states.

But deeper even then the power drives of reproduction is the Will to Godhood, the Spirit-Will, which activates all life in conjunction with natural evolution. This is the divine base of human nature, and this is why men need ultimately to make upward evolution toward Godhood possible within the states. This is where religion, specifically the religion of Evolutionary Christianity, can be seen as separate from the various states, yet at the right hand of the people.  No real culture has ever developed or sustained without being based in religion.

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