Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Yogin Are Dulled To Godhood

According to Evola, some radical Buddhists and Hindu's say that even the Gods are enemies of the yogin, because as powers presiding over the natural order they attempt to block the path of those who want to become free and dominate it.

There is also a Buddha saying that the Gods may not experience liberation because they are “dulled” by heavenly pleasures. Brahma is even subordinate to Buddha in this regard.

While this is stunningly courageous thinking, our stunningly courageous answer to the yogin is that this is a Great Error, or the Great Spiritual Blockade. The truth is that it is the yogin who are dulled by the heavenly pleasures of their inward “liberation,” or moksha. Moksha, and their version of liberation, is not Godhood, which is the Real Liberation, it is, however, the goal of the Inward Path.

What keeps this Great Error from being defined as diabolical is that the goal they seek--moksha-- is affirmed as the Soul-Goal of the Involutionary Inward Path in the Evolutionary Christian Church. But we can only become truly liberated by attaining the Absolute Supreme Godhood through bio-spiritual evolution to the Supreme Object at the Zenith of Evolution. This is defined as the True Liberation which is attained through the Evolutionary Outward Path. This means that unevolved humanity, including the yogins, who are human, are not able to experience Godhood or True Liberation. And the yogin are thereby dulled to Godhood. The Twofold Path is needed, the Inward and Outward, not only the Inward Path.

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