Saturday, December 12, 2009

Ignorance, sin and evolution

Ideas or principles alone, no matter how elevated, are not enough to achieve the highest “purity,” “sin” is not purified by wisdom alone, unless sin is considered only ignorance, which is how Gnostic oriented religions tend to see it. The material world evolves to Godhood, the highest "purity," therefore sin can be seen as devolutionary (and not only seen as ignorance) where material life itself moves toward lower consciousness and less complexity. But we may not want to get caught up using the word sin.

God does contain Absolute Wisdom yet even this is an idea in the Mind of God, which is the Father aspect of the Trinity. God is the Supreme Material-Supermaterial Object and not an idea alone. Gnostic hopes of Godly wisdom for human beings will not be attained by human beings. We can at best claim to reach the God Within, the through the various involutionary paths of the revealed religions.

Philosophy alone cannot "restore the Spirit-Will to glory," only evolution can, with glory defined not only as supreme wisdom but as attaining the Supreme Object Godhood in the cosmos, the goal of the activating Spirit-Will within evolving life.

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