Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Toward Proof of God, Spirit, and Soul, in Evolution

The Universal

The Spirit Within is the “universal” element, this is the “common nature,” not the “treeness” or “humanness” of things. The cosmos is “connected” by the Spirit-Will, if you can call it connected, not by logic or the mind or the “essences” of trees or humans.

Things in the world are not merely shadowy “representations” of the Spirit, matter is far more important than that. The Spirit requires matter, the Spirit activates the material world to evolve to Godhood.

The One and the Many

The “one and the many” is the Spirit Within the cosmos and within life. Each thing is not completely individual depending on the Will of an Almighty God, unless the “Will” is defined as the Spirit, which then must be defined as the Will-To-Godhood.

A symbol of Godhood is approachable through the Soul, and Godhood can be more or less symbolically experienced via the Soul, depending on one's discipline in the Involutionary Inward Path.

Beyond Human Reason

God is at this time mainly beyond human reason and beyond human conception but we can reach greater and greater understanding of God as our consciousness and intelligence and mystical discipline evolve. We should one day have deeper empirical proof of Godhood as we examine probable supermaterial-spiritual atoms and apply vastly advanced physics. “Faith” therefore can also know God, since we are yet to evolve to fully know the Godhood we are speaking of.

The Spirit is not the “Form” behind matter; Spirit is the activator of matter. It is the Soul at the Zenith of the Mind that “sees” the Soul, and the Spirit is the Zenith of the Soul.

No Dualism

The mind is not a different substance than matter. There is no dualism here. But the Spirit-Will also is not a different substance than matter. The Spirit is the Zenith of the Soul,the Soul is the Zenith of the Mind, and the mind is the zenith of the material body.

The Continuum

The Theoevolutionary Church (TC) is a system that unifies God and the world. The cosmos is a material-spiritual continuum, from the simple to the complex, all the way to Godhood, activated by the Spirit Within, working through material evolution.

Things exist whether we can define things logically or not. But our minds, bodies, and ideas are evolving, something like Hegel's dialectical development, and this evolutionary process (more than a dialectical) moves human beings and the cosmos closer to Godhood (Hegel's Absolute).

The parts lead to Godhood, the highest evolution in the cosmos, the Cosmic Summit of Godhood, which may or may not mean that the “parts lead to the whole.”

Games of Language

Language games are language games, like mathematics. Language and math may or may not define or denote reality. Objects exist whether they are named correctly or incorrectly. As we evolve, we name and measure things closer to reality.

Ideas mirror real material things, real advanced objects, and the real idea of God is a Real Supreme Object. This is opposite the usual view in metaphysics. One day this news will please both mystic and scientist, both positivism ( because things are real and Godhood is a Real Thing), as well as fideism (having faith in God despite lack of scientific evidence may be correct after all.)

Evolutionary Realism

We are defining not so much a “metaphysical realism” as an evolutionary realism. We accept that Godhood exists and can be evolved to, but we also accept that we will eventually define the cosmos in a rational and scientific order and continuum.

The Involutionary Inward Path and Evolutionary Outward Path of TC reflect both faith and science in this way.

Evolution harmonizes with Aquinas's fourth and fifth demonstrations of God's existence: the gradations of less and more to an ultimate, and with natural things having a purposeful end or Zenith in Godhood.

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