Monday, September 07, 2009

On The Origin of Theological Traditions

Toward Redeeming The World

It seems clear that the Kabbalists of Judaism follow almost precisely the same theological Traditions as the Persian Zoroastrians and their Zend Avesta (see "The Ethical Conceptions of the Gatha,” by Jatindra Mohon Chatterjee, and “The Kabbalah” by Adolphe Franck.) But rather than defining this as a bad thing, I think it is very important that Judaism managed to salvage this ancient Babylonian theology, virtually alone in the West, when only the Brahmanic religions of the East managed to maintain a close cousin to the Zoroastrian theology in the Vedas and in Hinduism.

In any case, the Evolutionary Christian Church (ECC) sees both the Abrahamic and Brahmanic traditions stemming from an even older Hyperborean Tradition. This Tradition and its cousin branches are all defined within the Involutionary Inward Path of EC, which essentially sees the Soul and Spirit Within as God or as coming from God. These systems ultimately see matter as an evil principle.

EC has connected the Involutionary Inward Path of existing Traditions with the Evolutionary Outward Path of the evolution of the material world to Godhood, in an Ordered Evolution which retains the past with the present and future in a Revitalized Conservatism. Matter is not ultimately seen as evil in ECC, but as the substance by which the Soul and Spirit evolve to Godhood.

In this way ECC redeems the world, while at the same time prudently affirming the ancient Involutionary theological Traditions, which see the Soul Within but do not see the Spirit-Will evolving with matter to Godhood.

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