Sunday, September 13, 2009

God's Will, the Natural Order, and Ordered Evolution

God's Will, which includes the Spirit Within life, or the Will-To-Godhood, does have a correlation to the natural order. The conditional base of political rule is that the political rule be in harmony with God's Will, and God's Will is reflected in the natural order and specifically in natural evolution. If the political order serves the Divine Order then it is qualified to rule. If it does not, then God and nature will go against the political order.

The Evolutionary Christian Church (ECC) is somewhat flexible about political philosophy because evolution can harmonize with different systems, as long as the political systems harmonize with evolution. We are here on earth, and we are living in the Kosmos, for the purpose of evolution to Godhood, and this evolution is central to God's Will and central to the Spirit Within which activates life in the Kosmos. The Revitalized Conservatism affirmed in ECC does not rule out even much-abused usury or banking if it operates in harmony with the natural evolutionary order. We are not here on earth solely to make money or gain political territory. These are only means to more important evolutionary ends.

We are partial to the American Constitution, which we support. If followed as it was originally written, the Constitution allows great freedom to the states within a light federalism, which is an ideal structure to allow the desired variety within the independent evolution of people and states. This could also apply to Eurasian politics which could provide thousands of independent, lightly federated states.

What we are seeking is Ordered Evolution which places us in the Conservative, not radical base of political philosophy. The American Constitution, when followed, is ideal for balancing order and evolution, which Russell Kirk also eloquently pointed out, although Kirk, like most conservatives, was not all that positive about evolution and he used the term 'freedom' rather than evolution.

Those who define 'heresy' by saying that God's Will has no correlation to the natural order, are in theological error, and if they do not include natural evolution in God's Will, they themselves may be accused of heresy in going against God's Will.

God does not exist outside the Kosmos, and outside the material world. God is the Zenith of Material evolution at the Zenith of the Kosmos, and as such, God's Will is central to the natural order and to evolution.

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