Tuesday, June 16, 2009

On Beauty

The Traditionalists say that beauty pertains to cognition (A Coomaraswamy). But we say more importantly beauty pertains to the object, the physical object, which cognition can only describe or try to describe. God is more than the Highest Cognition which describes or defines God or God's Mind, the Father. God is the Supreme Object.

If we apply Beauty as the first or most important test in either mathematics or in theology there is no real place for ugly theology. The patterns must be beautiful. The proof should connect many different things and ideas. Yet beauty can look very simple, childishly simple, and still have far reaching results.

Beauty (the Son) has to do with the ideal of the Instincts, the dreaded senses of Plato, whereas Truth has to do with “knowledge” more than the object defined by knowledge. “Goodness” has to do with actions (essentially the Holy Spirit).