Monday, June 29, 2009

Balancing Aquinas With Darwin

Goals of Higher Learning

According to Russell Kirk, quoting John Henry Newman (Redeeming the Time), the primary end of higher learning in all lands and all times has been the training of intellect to form a philosophical habit of mind. The idea was to develop “right reason” and imagination for the sake of the person and the republic.

Higher learning is concerned with abstractions, difficult abstractions, and most people don't like abstractions. But what is meant by “right reason,” to think like St. Thomas Aquinas? No doubt Aquinas was a very great theologian and philosopher in his adaptation of Aristotle for Catholic Christianity and the West, but in the end, Aquinas essentially believes only in the Involutionary Inward Path to the Soul or Spirit within of Tradition.

Right reason needs to balance Aquinas with Darwin and therefore the Theoevolutionary Church includes the Evolutionary Outward Path of Evolution to God. This balancing is the true goal of education. The “centre” did not hold and “mere anarchy” was loosed upon the world because the right reason of Aquinas was insufficient to hold the centre. You cannot virtually extirpate materialism and expect life to hold firm. A reluctant nod to the needs of the flesh is not enough to support the needs of life and evolution.

A Great Spiritual Blockade against evolution was instituted, which inadvertently helped anarchy to be loosed upon the world, since spiritualism alone could not and should not have expected to hold the centre.

Higher learning in the Theoevolutionary Church pursues both Paths, the Involutionary Inward Path (Aquinas and others) and Evolutionary Outward Path (Darwin and others).