Monday, June 08, 2009

Connecting the temporal and the spiritual

Bringing back the Divine to normal life

Evolution works best in small separate states, and evolution is activated by the Spirit seeking Godhood: this connects the spiritual and the temporal.

Religious or state imperialism is forbidden in the Evolutionary Christian Church (ECC) as imperialism greatly damages the evolution of separate states, thus blocking the evolution to God.

The Church has always been responsible for “care of the souls” but this should not affirm imperialism. The Order of the Outward Path in ECC is more like a research center for evolving to Godhood (see Cattell's Beyondism, which, unlike ECC, is minus the Involutionary Inward Path(which makes it more radical)) States can of course defend themselves applying the Just War laws.

The Spirit is not separate from the Will but is the Will to Godhood, and the Will is connected to the Soul (reason/science) and the Soul is connected to the Law. The Spirit is guided by the Soul (the Zenith of the Mind).

The Spirit is primary but this does not suggest a dictatorship of instinct over reason. The Spirit, or the Will to Godhood, is the power behind human reason and the Soul and contains the Truths of God.

We are under the Law of God as we are under the law of nature, and it is ever our task to better and better understand the Law of God.

In this way we seek to bring back the Divine to normal life.