Wednesday, February 04, 2009

The spiritual is essentially on the material continuum

Both the “material” and the “spiritual” are real, as the spiritual is essentially on the material continuum, which is really the supermaterial. The sages who said and still say that the material is unreal—perhaps beginning with the Hyperboreans and continuing through the East and West—have it wrong. The simple people were right, there is an actual heaven, perhaps not resting on a turtle, but actual, but it is related to materially evolving to the highest life.

The sensual world and the spiritual world are on the same continuum, evolution brings us from the sensual to the spiritual or the supermaterial. The spiritual is connected to the phenomenal world, although it is the highest evolved aspect of the material world and it is “spiritual” in that sense. Strictly speaking, Spirit is supermaterial. Idea is spiritual. Idea “defines” material objects. The Body contains the Soul, the Spirit is within the Body helping to activate the Soul to Godhood.

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