Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Perfecting human nature?

Culture can be seen as instinctive, assuming ones culture is affirming human nature, and human nature is essentially conservative, preferring home, family, kin, localism, monogamy between man and woman, nationalism, and religion's that affirm these things. Anti human laws and values follow from cultures that do not follow human nature, as with Leftist organizations.

When Aristotle said that human nature needs to be perfected by society he did not have all the knowledge of human nature that sociobiology has later provided, which affirms that human nature works best in small conservative states, even ethnostates, perhaps working together in a federation.

The true perfection of human nature moves upward in biological evolution reaching its zenith in Godhood, and this long term evolution works best in stable ethnostates where positive mutations can gradually take root and advance---this is the essence of Revitalized Conservatism.

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