Sunday, January 04, 2009

Quote showing The Great Spiritual Blockade

Here is the essence of the Great Spiritual Blockade in the words of a Hindu sage: “ You speak as if you are here, and the Self is somewhere else and you had to go and reach it…But in fact the Self is here and now, and you are always It. It is like being here and asking people the way to the ashram, then complaining that each one shows a different path and asking which to follow.” —Sri Ramana Maharshi

The problem with the above quote is that it speaks only of the Involutionary Inward Path and dismisses or is unaware of the Evolutionary Outward Path, where true Godhood is reached through the evolution of the material to the material-spiritual.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there,

    What you say is certainly true, however you cannot really separate the two. People belong to the evolution, society belongs to it, people's way of life belongs to it, the way they live, the way they talk, the way they think, the way their inner world reflects their outer world and vice versa. There is something one might call the evolution of mental concepts, the evolution of emotional maturity, the evolution of the structure of personality. Ultimately the personality gets to the point where it is an obstacle for itself, where it has to yield, to give way to something greater than the mind.

    Carl Gustav Jung once stated, that it would take about one million years to awaken kundalini with the help of psychoanalysis. But where is the borderline? Does psychoanalysis belong to the evolutionary path or does it belong to the involutionary path?

    Ultimately, there is neither evolution nor involution for it all happens together. In truth there is no such thing as time, and without time, where is evolution, where is involution?

    Time simply reflects a limited form of awareness, the mere fact, that you aren't aware of everything at the same time. This is quite strange, for you are everything, everything that is however not aware of everything.

    Being aware of everything, past, present and future, all at once, where can there be room for evolution or involution?

    But of course there is something like the outward path, pavritti, and the inward path, nivritti. The inward path belongs to the outward path and vice versa, and yet, the inward path is much faster. You may well reach self-realization together with the rest of humanity, but this will be far in the future. But remember, there is no such thing as time.

    Actually, there are many different coexisting time-lines. Every human soul has it's own timeline so to speak. We are all one and yet inside our souls we are completely alone, and we follow our own individual evolution and involution. At first, you reach out, then you lose interest in the outer, and then, you start reaching in, you get interested in the inner so to speak.

    Have a look at the following:

    Desteni: How to be a portal

    god bless


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