Thursday, January 08, 2009

The Gospel of Thomas

The Gospel of Thomas was discovered in 1945 at Nag Hammadi. Scholars have proposed a date as early as 60 AD or as late as 140 AD for this texts, depending upon whether the Gospel of Thomas is identified with the original core of sayings, or with the author's published text, or with the Greek or Coptic texts, or with parallels in other literature. The Gospel of Thomas is a vital connection between Eastern and Western religions showing their deep similarities. We accept this important work as a bridge between the East and the West. We suggest that the East, which has spiritual teachings older than Western spiritual teachings, validates the Gospel of Thomas more directly than any other Gospel, perhaps without having had direct knowledge of this Gospel. The New Testament is made clearer by the Gospel of Thomas.

For Thomas, speaking of Jesus, there are only two realms of existence: the material realm and the spiritual realm. The spiritual realm is a blissful reality of goodness, life, and light; it is the Kingdom of the Father. The material realm is a reality of evil, death, and darkness. Enlightenment comes in much the same way as the Eastern religions offer enlightenment, through the deepest one-pointed contact with the Spirit Within, which is God.

The Evolutionary Christian Church  has initiated the Evolutionary Outward Path, to attain through material-spiritual evolution, the God of the Involutionary Inward Path, seen in the Eastern Tradition, and in the Gospel of Thomas, and in the New Testament Gospels, and by Jesus Christ. We Open The Floodway after the Great Spiritual Blockade of the Involutionary Inward Path, which should be seen as only the Second Path way to the inward God or Spirit, and not the First Path outward way of bio-spiritual evolution to Godhood .

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