Friday, January 02, 2009

The Maya of Union

Dazzled by the Soul of The Body

Union between the “I” and God is not really union with God, it is union with the Soul, which is certainly blissful, since all desires are blocked, yet it is not God. To truly unite with God, the Spirit Within, which is also not God, must help activate the “I” (body), or the Soul, to evolve all the way to God, that is, the material evolves to the supermaterial, the material-spiritual evolves to God. Making an error here leads to the Great Spiritual Blockade.

It is a great achievement to attain union with the Soul Within, and this is the goal of the Involutionary Inward Path of the Theoevolutionary Church. “Yoga” is the eastern term for this union, expressed by Jesus when he said, “I and my Father are one, “ (John 10.30) and in Mandukyopanishad 3.2.9. “The embodied spirit is God.” But to reach Godhood the Evolutionary Outward Path of the Theoevolutionary Church needs to be followed. We must not be dazzled by the Soul into blocking the evolution of the Spirit-Will to God.

Duality is usually called Maya, illusion, in the East, but the experience of union or nonduality is also due to the noumena of Maya. This can be called the Maya of Union.

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