Saturday, March 27, 2021

The intellectualization of crap as culture

At least by the time of Post-World War II abstract expressionism we can compare modern art to other fields of modern culture and see the general intellectualization of crap as culture. We now have postmodernism, Marxism, feminism, multiculturalism, which are all absurdness, lies, and undisguised wills to power astoundingly taught in virtually all our schools and reflected throughout the media which are infected with the same mass delusional state and cheering it on. How did we become so sick?

The explanation that seems plausible to me for the freakish victory of postmodernism, Marxism, feminism, etc. in the academic world and in the media is that the relativistic power philosophy of postmodernism was not successfully countered by the traditional conservatives because they could not fully accept their best defense, which is the biological origin of our social behavior, taught by the scientific synthesis of sociobiology. They could not even affirm religion as essentially having been a better way to socially bond groups together (altruism) for successful survival and reproduction. Traditionalists could not see beyond their definition of God as being outside the world of biological power and material desires, and so postmodernism won the academic power war.

This cultural sickness has got to change if we want to save the West. Real human nature has almost nothing to do with what business schools, political science departments, postmodernism, and libertarianism are teaching. Real human nature remains gender defined, heterosexual, ethnocentric, even xenophobic, among other traditional things, with group-selection as the primary unit of successful selection and survival---super-individualism and hedonism do not much apply.

It is a conservative and bio-political transformation---not revolution---that is coming, eventually, a return to real human nature, which can bring about an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, where different ethnic groups can politically and culturally conduct themselves according to who they actually are, in their own states even within our Democratic Republics, perhaps with only a few amendments to our constitutional separation of powers and states.

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