Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Human Nature Remains Paleolithic

To change an old saying of Thoreau's, the preservation of of Paleolithic human nature is the preservation of real humanity, because paleolithic human nature continues to be our real human nature, modern cultures are hypertrophied versions of paleolithic cultures (see E.O. Wilson's sociobiology). Human nature is as sacred as Thoreau's nature itself, but it hasn't been treated that way.

Real human nature has been separated from our hearts and minds due largely to that part of human nature which seeks individual power while neglecting the other parts of human nature. Demagogues and cash hogs have tried to tell us to behave in unnatural ways that enhance the demagogues and cash hogs, such as the egalitarianism of cultural Marxism, or the consumerism pushed by cash hogs.

And ethnocentrism, kin-centeredness, heterosexual marriage-making, even xenophobia, with group-selection as the primary unit of selection, among other traditional things, do not go against real human nature. These are basic parts of human nature which were largely formed in the hunter-gather times of the Paleolithic and are very much still with us, but lately banned by political correctness. (Some of us have even embraced the Paleo diet, or as close as we can come to it, and have gotten rid of many of the diseases and problems caused from modern diets which conflict with our paleolithic bodies.)

It is overdo time to get back in harmony with real human nature. This will result in many old traditions and values being revived, along with new versions of old ethnopluralism, such as the devolution of imperial power to small states or ethnostates. The one new thing we add is our consciousness of and our aid in upward evolution, which was formerly unconscious. But it will need to be an Ordered Evolution, not revolution, conservatism has taught us this. Our evolution may, seemingly ironically here, eventually move us toward new and better versions of human nature, even new subspecies, as we evolve out into the cosmos toward Godhood.

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